Best Choices: The Ethical Journey
Registration is now open for the February 2025 through June 2025 cohorts of Best Choices: The Ethical Journey. The course is offered through a combination of self-paced, online modules and virtual “face-to-face” calls between participants and a Best Choices Guide. Based on feedback from past participants, we are now delivering the course over two weeks. See the FAQ below for more details.
Please note that attendance at Guide Calls is mandatory. You may complete the online modules at your own pace between Guide Calls. The online modules must be completed before each Guide Call.
Guide call dates and times:
- Intro: Thurs. Feb. 6th 6:30pm to 7:30pm
- Modules 1 & 2: Thurs. Feb. 13th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Modules 3 & 4: Thurs. Feb. 20th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Intro: Mon. March 3 6:30pm to 7:30pm
- Modules 1 & 2: Mon. March 10 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Modules 3 & 4: Mon. March 17 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Intro: Wed. April 2nd 6:30pm to 7:30pm
- Modules 1 & 2: Wed. April 9th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Modules 3 & 4: Wed. April 16th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Intro: Tues. May 6th 6:30pm to 7:30pm
- Modules 1 & 2: Tues. May 13th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Modules 3 & 4: Tues. May 20th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- Intro: Saturday June 7th 9:30am to 10:30am
- Modules 1 & 2: Saturday June 14th 9:30am to 11:30am
- Modules 3 & 4: Saturday June 21st 9:30am to 11:30am
Why is Ethics training important?
Professionals in the Early Care & Learning sector work with one of the most vulnerable groups in society – young children. The quality of the interactions between young children and their caregivers has a significant, enduring impact on children’s lives. The intimacy of the relationship and the potential that exists to do harm call for a commitment on the part of early childhood educators to the highest standards of ethical practice.
While individual children are the focus of the work done by early childhood educators, ethical practice extends beyond the child-educator relationship. Professionals in the Early Care & Learning sector care for and educate young children while recognizing and supporting the nurturing and socializing responsibilities of the children’s families. Early Care & Learning professionals accept their ethical obligations to the children and families they serve as both represent our society’s future.
About the ‘Best Choices: The Ethical Journey’ Training Series
ECEBC recognizes its responsibility to promote ethical practices and attitudes on the part of Early Care & Learning professionals. This four-part series guides participants on a journey of ethical discovery and awareness. Participants will have the opportunity to explore personal values, beliefs and assumptions, and examine the complexities in ethical decision making.
This training will focus on the four key areas that impact on Ethical Practice in ECE.
The first key area is self-awareness.
The second key is the skill set needed to actually put ethical principles into action—daily practice, making choices, and decision making when principles conflict and create dilemmas.
The third key area is knowing the ten principles— know what they mean, what they look like in practice, and how to use them to guide daily practice and make decisions when faced with dilemmas.
The final key area is action—taking action. Putting the principles into action—every day.
Upon completion of this training, participants can expect to know the principles of the ECE professional Code of Ethics, recognize what they look like in practice, and to use a reasoned approach in decision-making when principles in the Code of Ethics conflict in the search for solutions.
And this all calls for the courage to act —in matters great and small.
“…values count for little without a willingness to put them into practice.” Rushworth Kidder (2003)
How is the Course delivered?
Best Choices: The Ethical Journey is offered through a combination of self-paced, online modules and virtual “face-to-face” calls between participants and a Best Choices Guide. Guide Calls are held weekly at set times and are a mandatory component of the course. You may complete the online modules at your own pace between Guide Calls. The online modules must be completed before each Guide Call.
How long does it take to complete the Course?
Completion of the course usually takes 2 weeks including three Guide Calls. There is an Introductory Guide Call to kick off the course. Participants then complete Modules 1 and 2 online at their own pace and participate in a second Guide Call at the end of week one. In week two, participants complete Modules 3 and 4 and participate in the third and final Guide Call. Groups (min 10 participants) who would like to participate in an accelerated version of the course may contact Annette at amaglieri@ecebc.ca to discuss options.
How do I access the Modules?
When participants register for the course on the Hub they have immediate access to the Intro Module and the Zoom links for three Guide calls. It is the same link for all three calls. Modules 1 and 2 are opened following the Introductory Guide Call and Modules 3 and 4 are opened after the second Guide Call. To access open Modules, just click on your course home page.
Do I have to attend the Guide Calls?
Participants must attend and participate in all 3 Guide calls to receive a certificate. Participants are expected to complete both relevant Modules prior to joining the Guide Call. Guides are able to see who has completed a Module prior to beginning each call. Participants must keep their videos on during calls and are expected to participate in discussions. Guide calls will not be recorded.
Do I have to use the Video Workbook?
Participants are prompted to use a video workbook to respond to questions in the online modules. This is an important part of the course. You can also use your workbook to note questions or thoughts you would like to discuss during the Guide Calls. Workbooks will not be submitted or assessed. You can record your thoughts and questions in whatever format works best for you. If you prefer, you may choose to use a paper notebook instead of the video workbook. Participants should have their workbook accessible (downloaded or printed) for each Guide Call so you can refer to it during the discussion.
Is my Video Workbook private?
Your video workbook is your space to respond to questions and dive deeper into the course content. It will not be shared with your Best Choices Guide, your cohort, or ECEBC staff. However, your responses are saved on the Hub server and accessible to site administrators. All site administrators adhere to strict standards around Hub User privacy and will not access your workbook without permission. If this is a concern for you, you may choose to use a paper notebook instead of the video workbook for some or all of the workbook questions.
When will I receive my certificate?
Participants will receive a certificate for 12 hours upon completion of all online modules and Guide Calls. Upon confirmation of participation, a code will be provided to you that you will enter into the “Certificate Quiz” in Module 4. Please note that you must complete the final Guide Call before receiving the Code. Certificates will be automatically generated and should be downloaded and saved to your computer.
How do the Discussion Rooms work?
Each Best Choices cohort (i.e., the group of participants working through the course at the same time) will be assigned a private Hub Discussion Room that is only accessible to them. Throughout the online modules, participants will be encouraged to share thoughts and ideas with others in their cohort. Your Guide may also choose to use the Discussion Room as part of the Guide Calls.
Who can I contact if I need help or have questions?
If you have questions about the course or difficulty accessing any of the course components, please email Annette at amaglieri@ecebc.ca
Course Content