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Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Environment play important role of children behaviour. In this scenario many factor had impact of the environment. there wasnu2019t enough staff.…

Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Positive Environmental Factors n n Comfortable Sleep Environment: A quiet, dark, and cool room can promote better sleep. A comfortable mattress…

Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Environment play important role of children behaviour. In this scenario many factor had impact of the day.There wasnu2019t enough staff.So teacher…

Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Charlie didnu2019t get sleep well before that day, and base on their experience before when Charlie had lack of sleep he…

Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Being short staff that day meant no breaks which creates stress on educators (breaks provide an opportunity to recharge our physical…

Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Charlieu2019s behavior is notably influenced by both positive and negative environments. Instead of direct encouragement from the teacher to pick up…

Module six

[null,{“title”:”Module six”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” I have three main goals for this month. n First, I want to rearrange the classroom so that it has an inclusive, quiet…

Reflective Workbook

[null,{“title”:”Reflective Workbook”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” In my Centre, we utilize a lot of positive guidance as well as following through with certain expectations rather than just touching on…

Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions

[null,{“title”:”Scenarios 1-3 Reflective Questions”,”que_id”:1,”question”:” Positive Environmental Factors: n n The weather is calm and clear which is very favorable for outdoor play. n n Negative…

Scenario-based learning allows learners to view situations from different perspectives, encouraging thoughtful reflection. Applying learning in a more practical way can help to build confidence and gives the learner the ability to transfer knowledge to real-life work. You will see how best practices might look in action, determine alternate strategies you could implement in these situations, and reflect on your own experiences as a care provider.

Your task is to take on the perspective of the provider within the scenario and determine:

  • What worked well?
  • What, if anything, could be done differently?

Remember, it is not the job of providers to diagnose children. Instead, we can do our best to create safe childcare ecosystems that promote social emotional well-being and support children and their diverse range of behaviours. This will be important to keep in mind while navigating the scenarios in Module 4.